Thursday, January 15, 2009

More Christmas pics

The wait is are more pictures from our time in Ohio for Christmas.

the morgan babies: alaina, lucas, and max

mimi, the girls, and max

max with his new blanket from uncle andy, aunt audrey, lucas, and alaina. it was made with love by amber meyer. thanks amber!

our family christmas photo

We can't believe that Max is 6 months old already! He was weighed the other day at the doctor's and is up to 17 lbs. We're hoping to switch to real food when we go to the doctor again today! He is cutting a tooth on the top of his mouth, hence the eating of the hands. He is our PRIDE and JOY!


Orr Family said...

he is so adorable!! i just can't wait to meet him!

The Five Fares said...

He weighs almost as much as Charlotte! I can't believe how much he has grown! What a cutie!