Thursday, November 20, 2008

update on Mighty Max

update on Mr. Mighty Max:

Max is weighing in at 13 lbs, 8 oz these days. He started getting his Synagis treatments this week (to protect him for getting RSV, which can be very dangerous to preemies). Not fun, but we know it's worth it.

So, somehow we used to be able to make it on 2 or 3 hours of sleep at a time, but now Mr. Max is sleeping through the night. How come I want more if I get 6 hours now?

We made the switch to cloth diapers- thanks Aunt Susie! LOVE them.

We'll be having our own Thanksgiving dinner this year as a family of three in St. Louis. I'm kind of excited to start our "family traditions".

One "new"'s from our little sister's wedding in September. I can't believe how much Max has grown since then! Scott and I have a very similiar photo from our wedding day in the exact same spot. Thanks Lisa and Drew for letting us update one of our favorite shots from our day on your day!

1 comment:

ERH said...

sleeping through the night huh? Way to go Max-o!